P6 Engineering Schedule Development


The P6 Engineering Schedule Development course will teach the student how to develop the engineering deliverable schedule utilizing a cross between newly added activities and templates to construct a FEED schedule from Early Engineering to Detail Design. The schedule with be developed utilizing a package deliverable process consisting of IFD, IFA and IFC drawing types. Along with the engineering deliverable, we will identify fabricated and purchased material that a typical Engineering firm may be responsible for to a client company. At the completion of this class all users will have a good understanding of the critical components of a quality engineering schedule and management of each deliverable.
Duration: 2 Days
Price: $975
March 19, 202508:00 AM (Day)Baytown, TXRegister
April 16, 202508:00 AM (Day)Baytown, TXRegister
May 21, 202508:00 AM (Day)Baytown, TXRegister